Health Canada Suppresses Study Finding (Toronto Press conference), Port Hope CHCC, 2007 [View Article]
UMRC corrects Minister of Health on Uranium Contamination in Port Hope, Tedd Weyman, 2008 [View Article]
Human Contamination by Radioactive Materials in Ontario Town, Tedd Weyman, CHCC, 2007 [View Article]
The Quantitative Analysis of Uranium Isotopes in the Population of Port Hope (Poster) Asaf Durakovic, Axel Gerdes, Isaac Zimmerman, EANM, 2007 [View Abstract] [View Poster]
Radio-Biological Study Findings for Port Hope, Ontario, Asaf Durakovic, Ontario, Parliamentary Press Gallery, 2007
Burdening Port Hope (Presentation), Tedd Weyman, October 2006