Durakovic, A., Horan, P., Dietz, L. (2002) The Quantitative Analysis of Depleted Uranium in British,Canadian and US Gulf War Veterans. Military Medicine. 167 (8):620 [View Article]
The Decade of Depleted Uranium, Patricia Horan, Leonard Dietz [View Article]
Articles about Patricia Horan
Scientists weather media storm, by Deborah Inkpen [View Article]
Hazardous Material, by Karen Shewbridge, November 1999 [View Article]
Pat Horan: Another Casualty of Depleted Uranium, 2002 [View Article]
Uranium Weapons Cover-ups in Our Midst, by Poitr Bein, PhD, November 2002 [View Article]
Depleted Uranium Dust – Public Health Disaster for the People of Iraq and Afghanistan, by Doug Westerman, May 2006 [View Article]
Sci/Tech Depleted Uranium study ‘shows clear damage’, by Alex Kirby, August 1999 [View Article]
Newfoundland scientist searching for answer to Gulf War syndrome, Darrow MacIntyre, May 1999 [View Article]
Nibby Loses DU Poisoning Claim at High Court, May 2006 [View Article]
The Use Of Depleted Uranium Ammunition In Operation Iraqi Freedom: A War Crime? Christopher Michaelsen, January 2005 [View Article]
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